Motivation is the driving force that gives you the willpower to accomplish a particular task. When you decide to lose weight, you are often full of energy and motivation, we say that this time is correct, we do not succumb to sweets, and this and that…But this is wrong! Often it does not work because the motivation leaves us pretty quickly over days.
It is the experience that I did when I wanted to start to lose weight, I have tried several diets, and it was always the same refrain. You are able to slim down and stay that way, too, if you will only get some weight loss motivation and a positive attitude.

When I started I was super excited. I thought I had finally found the solution, but I found myself seven days later on my couch with hands in a packet of biscuits! Changing your lifestyle is a necessary part of the equation for weight loss. Here are some tips to keep your motivation at the top!

How to find weight loss motivation!

Surround yourself by thin people:

No! I do not mean that you should avoid friends who are not thin… But NEJM study showed that the body type of people that you train with, affect positively or negatively your weight loss process.

When you are in your sports club, start hanging out with thin people, and your subconscious will take a new model for what is “normal.” When I started my water aerobics classes, I began to socialize with fairly thin people, which allowed me to maintain my weight loss motivation.

Be fair to yourself!

When I decided to lose weight, I said to myself: “Now you are going to be very careful about what you eat, you will exercising, eating a balanced diet” The problem is that I was not honest with myself, and talking with my friends, we realized that we were all the same. We set targets too high, restrictions too hard, and suddenly we lost the thread of our diet a few days after it began.

This is the error that you should not commit, you must try to eat sensibly most of the time but not all the time…Your attitude is a powerful part of weight loss motivation, because if you don’t believe you can get rid of those extra pounds and, more importantly, keep them off, you have very little chance for success.

Weight loss is not a cure!

Of course, be healthier, fitter have a positive and perhaps unexpected impact. However, even as a thinner person, you still have a bad day at the office, moments of self-doubt, or moments where you feel undervalued. Many people feel abandoned when they become thinner, and then they discover that thinness does not solve all problems at once. And often, they will then find a poor diet. Do not fall into this trap!
You have many different needs that must be met in life. Be slimmer, healthier and fitter is just one of them.

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Weight loss motivation tips

If we started badly from the start, we quickly lose the motivation to lose weight. It is therefore not necessary to impose too severe diet restrictions, you must make sure to have a healthy diet to keep you there. When you are in sport, surround yourself with thin people, it will push you unconsciously continue your path to weight loss.

Do not drop after a small gap, this happens to everyone, you just continue you path in which you started. It is not because you have managed to lose 2 or 3 pounds that you have won the battle, you must maintain your weight loss motivation to keep your weight.